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"The Buck Stops Here," is one of his many sayings, 

This was a president with not much savings. 


He was a man who stood up in times of trouble, 

His fame and coolness made his president terms double. 


Born in Lamar Missouri, where he grew up on a farm 

He worked on the land, making him humble and calm 


He then went to Independence at the age of 4,  

Where he went to Sunday School, and Bess Wallace he saw 


Now when he grew up, odd jobs he did , 

Wrapping newspapers and a haberdasher for the debt to go rid. 


Then in 1917, the war met his home county, 

Quick to enlist to face action on foreign country. 


Promoted to captain Harry was after a fierce and key battle, 

 And he knew that at home he would not go back to milking cattle. 


When finally in Missouri, he married his old Sunday school friend, 

Elizibeth or Bess Wallace (if you remember), would be with him till his end. 


He opened a clothing shop with another wartime elite, 

However soon to end due the crisis on Wall Street. 


He became county judge to keep the law from hate, 

It was long after this he became senator for his very own state 


Some years past and with WW2 underway, 

This man now knew there was going to be US involvement either way 


So with the help of the president, He made a committee, 

To set up a military budget and to save France with their pity 


He was exactly right, the US entered the war 

Now the senator was famous with all people he saw 


Then disaster struck, THE PRESIDENT WAS DEAD! 

However congressmen new who was the leader ahead. 


He ended the war in the pacific, 

To stop the fighting from getting horrific. 


After the fighting came the post war events, 

A doctrine, an election and fighting in Korea he could not prevent. 


In 1952, he suddenly resigned, 

To retire happily, oh the life he left behind. 


At the age of 88 on a fateful Christmas day, 

The beloved man collapsed and the next night passed away. 


So who is this man of who we talk who earns thy fame, 

I think we all know that Harry S. Truman is his name.


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