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Dear Form Masters 


-Harry S. Truman 


He was known for ending the War in the Pacific and paving the way for the Civil Rights movement. He was renowned for his strong belief in democracy and the containment of the spread of Communism. He was remembered for being the poor boy from Missouri, who became the 33rd President of the United States... I strongly believe that Harry S. Truman is a man to be considered notable and that I should further ponder and research him. 


Before I begin stating my arguments, I will outline the life of this influential and courageous leader. Born in Lamar, Missouri with a poor agricultural upbringing, young Harry pursued all the opportunities he could grasp. A few years after birth, his family moved to Independence in Jackson County, Missouri. It was here, he met lifelong friend and future wife, Elizabeth Virginia Wallace. When he finished school, he attended Spalding's Commercial College, however left after one year. He then enlisted to the Missouri National Guard in 1905 due to his desperate need for college funds and stayed until 1911. A few years later, his father passed in 1914. When the USA went to World War One in 1917, Truman (now nearing the age of 30) was quick to enlist and saw action in France in 1917 and 1918 in a field artillery division. In early 1918, he became Captain in the 129th artillery division on Battery D. 

 He started his career in politics by becoming County Judge and got married to Bess Wallace in 1919. He then became a Senator for his state and was eventually, and surprisingly chosen by Franklin D. Roosevelt to be his Vice President. 82 days after he was named Vice President, Franklin Roosevelt collapsed and died, leaving Harry Truman to become the 33rd President of the United States of America. During his 2 terms in office, Harry Truman saw the end of the War in the Pacific, the Korean War, the opening stages of the Cold War and the founding of the United Nations. After his Presidency, he happily retired with his wife back to his hometown. In 1972, he was rushed to hospital after multiple organs started to shut down in his body. It was here he passed away and the life of one of the greatest modern leaders came to a tragic end. Harry S. Truman lived a life like no other, and that is one of the many reasons why I find him notable. Now onto my arguments.  


My first and most important reason: My love for history. I have always been intrigued by US presidents and US history, and when I learned about Mr. Truman, I immediately wanted research more about his life and legacy. I loved learning about his lifetime, from a poor farm boy to the President of the greatest nation on the planet. I found his quotes to be very moving and motivating and I found that Harry Truman is rated the 6th best president to have taken office. I would like to continue my research so I can learn more from this admiration. 


My second point is that there is so much to learn about this great man. Whether it be amusing, like the Chicago Tribune’s typo on the front of their paper in the 1948 election, or serious, like the possibility of an endless war, which he mentioned when making the decision to drop the atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I keep on learning new things as I continue my research on Mr. Truman, and I hope that I keep learning throughout my time researching this notable person. 


My last point is the legacy that he leaves behind. In 1957, a library was made in his name and honour, “The Truman Library and Museum.” When it was built, Truman gave his presidential papers to the people of the institute so his legacy would be remembered. Harry Truman also paved the way for the Civil Rights movement and made clear that discrimination would not be tolerated in any industry, government and on any private or public property. The world would simply be different without Harry Truman, and remembering his legacy is a reminder that he changed the world. I want to learn more about the trail that he leaves behind and one day make people see better in other ways/people that people misunderstand. 


Harry S. Truman was a man of many qualities. Most of those qualities are a must in the regular human beings, however we do not resemble them, as Harry Truman did. Hopefully by researching this leader, I can learn to resemble these qualities in the right way. I believe that Harry Truman is notable and that I should continue my research in him because my love of history and how I can incorporate that throughout these studies, how much I can learn from his history and from his life, and his legacy and how I can resemble it through this night of the notable’s unit. A notable person is someone who has a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity. I believe that Harry S. Truman has done just that. 



-Harry S. Truman 


Yours Sincerely, Yohanah 

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